Happy Mid-Week Adult Lessons Swimmers!
We are making a transition this week to start the discussion on a WHOLE NEW facet of learning to swim - Deep Water. I know this sounds daunting at first, but it's OUR goal to help YOU find that comfort wading in the deep. Just like learning to swim in the first place, this can be a step-by-step process to finding comfort in a new realm of swimming. Join us for the next few weeks, as we help you get your feet off the ground so that you can be comfortable in a place where they have to be!
Deep Water Introduction - 101
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The easiest way to go about deep water swimming is to consider it no different than any other swimming we have done previously. Many people have a tendency to panic in situations where they feel like they are not in control. So, artificially create that control by employing the tools and lessons you have learned so far. That, combined with the tips from our upcoming series, will have you jumping off boat docks or trying out your first open water competition in no time. Most importantly with deep water swimming, however, is to find YOUR comfort level. Continue to build that organically. We are only as capable as we are willing. One step at a time is all it takes to find our niche along with enjoying the process along the way!
Fact of the week: The vast majority of water on our planet, whether man-made or natural, is at a depth greater than what our feet can touch. Learning tips for both survival and comfort in the open water vastly removes limitations on what bodies of water we can explore. From swimming in our local lake to crossing the English Channel, there is much left to discover once learning valuable deep water skills.
How do I move up? Attend as many of your classes as possible, communicate with your instructor on your struggles, goals, and where you're at in our curriculum. We also have many adults who purchase a gym membership to 24 Hour Fitness or LA Fitness while they are taking lessons so they can practice 2-3 times between classes.
Let us help you find YOUR beach. It's never too late to find that open water love!
The Sigma Team
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